
Number of Students Enrolled Till Date : 1179                                                                                              International Internships Secured : 539

Israel Dairy Farming Experience Program


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Israel Dairy Experience Program

The Israeli dairy industry is a stellar example of the country’s innovation in agriculture. The country’s remarkable success is the result of strategic breeding and advanced technology carefully developed by dairy farmers and agricultural innovators over the past century.

The Israeli dairy industry is also characterised by a passion shared among communities that is hard to find elsewhere. Today, Israel has over 129,000 cows spread among about 625 moshav (private family herds) and 162 kibbutz (cooperative) dairy farms.

These cows have impressively high milk yields. According to the Israel Dairy Board, the average production is 26,334 lbs of milk, 987 lbs of fat, and 908 lbs of protein.

Israeli dairy farmers will tell you that what you need for a lot of milk is happy cows, and in order to make Israeli cows happy, the first thing you need to do is keep them comfortable in the heat. Israeli farmers, who must deal with a hot and dry environment, have made it a priority to develop effective and affordable cooling techniques.

Duration of Internship
Preparatory Period for Internship
Frequency of Placements
Type of Internship
12 Months
6 to 9 months
Year-Round placements
Earn and Learn (Stipend Based) on farm experience internship program