
Number of Students Enrolled Till Date : 1179                                                                                              International Internships Secured : 539

Denmark Dairy Farming Experience Program


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Denmark Dairy Farming Experience Program

Trusted by more than 200 students from all over India, our Denmark Internship programme provides you the chance to experience the workings of dairy farms in Denmark, which are well known for their milk quality and production excellence.

About Danish Milk Production:

The Danish dairy cows annually produce 5.6 billion kg of milk, which is almost 1000 kg per inhabitant. If you want to put a headline on Danish milk and dairy production, it could be efficiency. A Danish dairy farm has an average of 210 dairy cows. It is among the largest in the EU.

Like the processing sector, the Danish milk producers have seen tremendous structural change, with production now taking place on a small number of large farms. Approximately 4,100 dairy farmers have an average of 127 cows and a milk quota of 1,142 tonnes. This places the Danish dairy farmers among the largest and most modern in Europe. More than half of the cows live in new loose-housing systems.

Duration of Internship
Preparatory Period for Internship
Frequency of Placements
Type of Internship
12 to 18 Months
6 to 9 months
Year-Round placements
Earn and Learn (Stipend Based) on farm experience internship program